The project comprises works to install four subsea power cable extensions at the existing Wave Hub offshore deployment site located 16kms off the North Cornwall coast and connect them to the existing Wave Hub subsea infrastructure. This will enable the deployment of, and electricity generation from viable pre-commercial marine renewable technology in each of the four berths at the Wave Hub site.

Some activity will take place both in Falmouth, where the cable extensions are currently stored, and in Hayle where the Wave Hub electrical substation is located.  The project commenced on 6 May 2016 with works due to be completed by 8 July 2016 and the final reports received by 5 August 2016.

The project’s objectives are:

  1. To rapidly progress pre-commercial/commercial array scale projects by enabling grid connected technology to demonstrate performance, reliability and viability by exporting energy to the national grid.
  2. To provide support to four enterprises within the three year life of this project.
  3. To enable additional capacity of renewable energy production from marine renewable technology.
  4. To help establish Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly as a centre of excellence for marine renewable energy.