Ray was unemployed and struggling to see a way forward to find work and overcome his mental health problems when he joined the Health Works for Cornwall project earlier this year. He is now working as a labourer and says the support he received from the project has changed his life for the better.

Open to anyone who has a health-related barrier and has been unemployed or inactive for over 26 weeks and is seeking employment, Health Works for Cornwall provides participants with access to personalised support and training from one of its team of local organisations specifically chosen for their expertise and experience; 1-2-1 dedicated mentoring; financial assistance with costs such as travel, interview clothing and childcare, and in work support to help “trouble-shoot” any issues and sustain employment.

Ray was spending more and more time alone in his room when his local job centre put him in touch with the CSW Group, one of the organisations supporting the Health Works for Cornwall project. Following an initial discussion to identify the range of support services available to help him manage his mental health, identify his strengths and develop his employability skills, and build his self-confidence, Ray worked with his CSW Change Coach to complete a well-being assessment, update his CV and investigate potential jobs he could apply for.

After spotting a vacancy he was interested in, and while waiting for a response to his application, Ray was surprised to be offered a different job as a labourer with a start date of the following day. Unsure what to do as he did not have any of the work trousers and boots required for the role, he contacted his Change Coach who helped him to find, and then pay for, the items he needed from the only workwear shop in his local area. She also provided a referral to Ray’s local foodbank so he was able to make a packed lunch for his first day in his new job and to have a cooked meal on his return from work.

Now working as a site labourer 45 hours per week through an recruitment agency, and feeling positive about securing a permanent job, Ray says he has finally got a job he enjoys doing and no longer dreads going into work each day – thanks to CSW Group and Health Works for Cornwall.

“The support I have received has been life changing” said Ray. “At the beginning of this year I was in a bad place mentally, just hibernating in my room doing nothing. 

“After my Change Coach made a few phone calls helping me look for work, I became a site labourer. She then arranged for my local food bank to help me with the essentials I needed before starting my job. Thank you to everyone who has helped me.”

Dave Hocking, Contract Manager for Health Works for Cornwall at Cornwall Development Company said: “We are delighted for Ray, his is one of a number of brilliant success stories that are being achieved through the Health Works for Cornwall partnership. It is great that this programme allows our delivery partners to provide much needed and focused support to people at a crucial time to help them move into and towards employment. There is a team of dedicated advisors and employment specialists working across the whole of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly both with individuals, like Ray, as well as working directly with employers, so I would encourage anyone interested to make contact with the team.”