When Sarah was made redundant at the end of last year she was at a loss to know what to do next. Step forward the People Hub who referred Sarah to the right organisation to help her to update her CV and build her confidence. This led to her securing an amazing new job.

Part funded by the European Social Fund, the People Hub is one of the many projects being delivered as part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme.

An innovative triage and referral service, the People Hub provides a one-stop shop for free and confidential information, advice and guidance on finding employment and training opportunities, as well as other areas like housing, debt, and mental health, helping people to overcome barriers to getting into work.

“We work with people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly who need support and advice, either because they are unemployed and are wondering what options are open to them; they have been made redundant and want to get back into work or training, or because they are looking to retrain or develop new skills,” explained People Hub Manager Josh Hoole.

 “Using a unique combination of technology and personal support, our team of Connectors talk individuals though their issues and concerns, and then signpost them to an organisation or project with the specific expertise to help them move forward.”

After speaking to a People Hub Connector and explaining her situation, Sarah was advised to update her CV and put in touch with someone who could help. “I made the call and updated my CV,” she said. “My revised CV got lots of interest and I ended up finding a new job.” Another person who has benefited from contacting the People Hub is Kerry who is very grateful for the help and support she has received in her quest to find work.

“I have found it very informative and I am very impressed with all the quick responses I have received from the referrals,” she said. “From the person at the National Careers Service, who was a wealth of information and gave me several options to follow, to Adult Education who contacted me with lots of information about English and Maths skills, and also a local college who advised me on suitable courses, everyone is doing an amazing job. Thank you!”

As well as working closely with a wide range of organisations across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, the People Hub has four main delivery partners: Konnect Communities, Hi9, SmartMatching, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.

“We know that trying to navigate your way through all the different kinds of support which are available can be confusing for some people,” said Nadia Mills, the People Hub Partnership Manager. “We provide a single access point that connects people to the right service for them.”

“By giving individuals the opportunity to share their situations and then signposting them to an organisation that can offer them practical help, our Connectors are helping people to move forward with their lives.”

Since its launch, The People Hub has already signposted more than 150 people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to get the support that’s right for them.

People can get in touch by phone, email or Facebook messenger. 0333 0150699; peoplehub@cornwalldevelop mentcompany.co.uk and facebook.com/thepeoplehub

Information is also available on the People Hub website: www.peoplehub.info